“…This has been shown consistently with laboratory animals (Fowler, Hochhauser, & Wischner, 1981), intellectually disabled children (Harris & Tramontana, 1973), intellectually normal children (Miller, Moffat, Cotter, & Ochocki, 1973), impulsive children (Hemry, 1973), hyperactive children (Cunningham & Knights, 1978), and adults (Matthews & Shimoff, 1974). The functions of punishment most useful in learning are its ability to decrease error rates, slow an organism's rate of responding (Borresen, 1973;Donahue & Ratliff, 1976;Tindall & Ratliff, 1974), and get the organism to attend carefully to stimulus features in the environment (Balaban, Rhodes, & Neuringer, 1990;Muenzinger, 1934;Ratliff & Root, 1974). Each of these attributes is discussed below.…”