The influences of low root temperature on soybeans (Glycine max IL.1Merr. cv. Wells) were studied by germinating and maintaining plants at root temperatures of 13 and 20 C through maturity. At 42 days from the beginning of imbibition, 13 and 20 C plants were switched to 20 and 13 C, respectively. Plants were harvested after 63 days. Control plants (13 C) did not nodulate, whereas those switched to 20 C did and at harvest had C2H2 reduction rates of 0.2 micromoles per minute per plant. Rates of C2H2 reduction decreased rapidly in plants switched from 20 to 13 C; however, after 2 days, rates recovered to original levels (0.8 micromoles per minute per plant) and then began a slow decline until harvest. Arrhenius plots of C2H2 reduction by whole plants indicated a large increase in the energy of activation below the inflection at 15 C. Highest C2H2 reduction rates (1.6 micromoles per minute per plant) were at 58 days for the 20 C control. Root respiration rates followed much the same pattern as C2H2 reduction in the 20 C control and transferred plants. At harvest, roots from 13 C-treated plants had the highest activities for malate dehydrogenase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. Roots from transferred plants had intermediate activities and those from the 20 C treatment the lowest activities. Newly formed nodules from plants switched from 13 to 20 C had much higher glutamate dehydrogenase than glutamine synthetase activity.Photosynthetic rates on a leaf area basis were about three times as high in the 20 C control as compared to 13 C control plants. Photosynthetic rates of plants switched from 20 to 13 C decreased to less than half the original rate within 2 days. Photosynthetic rates of plants switched from 13 to 20 C recovered to rates near those of the 20 C control plants within 2 weeks. All leaf enzymes assayed at harvest, with the exception of nitrate reductase, were highest in activity in the 20 C control plants.There have been few investigations on low temperature effects on roots. However, in legumes, low soil or root temperature decreases both nodulation and rates of N2 fixation (7,17,19,26,32). Many adverse effects of low soil temperature on chillingsensitive plants can be attributed to low-temperature-induced membrane phase transitions which slow protoplasmic streaming, increase permeability, and decrease the activities of membranebound enzymes by increasing Eas3 (13,14,25).