“…Increased amygdala activity to face-masked fearful eye whites is consistent with findings from previous studies (Whalen et al , 2004; Straube et al , 2010; Kanat et al , 2015) and further supports the notion that the amygdala is sensitive to crude, low-level representations of threat-related stimuli even when the level of awareness is restricted (LeDoux, 1996). By showing an increase in amygdala activity to face-masked fearful eye whites that are comparable to other reports of increased amygdala activity to face-masked fearful faces (Morris et al , 1998; Whalen et al , 1998; Rauch et al , 2000; Etkin et al , 2004; Pessoa et al , 2006; Williams et al , 2006; Kim et al , 2010), the present findings further support the idea that the eyes—especially the eye whites (i.e., sclera)—are a face region from which meaningful predictive information is extracted (Whalen, 1998; Morris et al , 2002; Sekuler et al , 2004; Adolphs et al , 2005).…”