The spatiotemporal distribution of biochemical varves spanning the last 150 yr was investigated using 40 cores collected over a depth gradient in a large subalpine lake-Lake Bourget-in the French Alps. Four-dimensional sedimentological, biological, and geochemical analyses show that varve preservation can be used as a reliable proxy to reconstruct annual-to-decadal oscillations of hypoxia in large lakes. The volume of hypoxic waters was calculated by integrating the volume between the lake bottom and the depth of the shallowest varve-bearing core for each year. Although Lake Bourget bottom waters have been oxic over the last 9000 yr, severe hypoxia has occurred only since 1933 6 1. The volume of hypoxic waters showed, thereafter, a succession of pronounced fluctuations, leading to an increase of 8% of the total lake volume in the 1960s, a decline in the 1980s, and a second, ongoing increase since 1990. Whereas the initial onset of persistent hypoxic conditions could be attributed to eutrophication due to nutrient-rich inputs from sewage water and/or diffuse contamination, the later fluctuations were also driven by climatic factors, i.e., flooding, rising air temperatures, and phosphorus-independent changes in primary production. Hence, cumulative effects related to global warming seem to have driven hypolimnetic hypoxic conditions since equilibrium was initially disrupted due to a drastic shift in the trophic state.In both marine and freshwater ecosystems, hypoxia In many marine and freshwater ecosystems, humaninduced eutrophication, as a result of nutrient-mainly N and P-over-enrichment of waters, has caused bottomwater hypoxia (Carpenter 2005;Diaz and Rosenberg 2008). It seems logical, therefore, that nutrient abatement measures would result in a return to oxic conditions in bottom waters. However, recent research has shown that climatic changes can also trigger deoxygenation of deep habitats (Deutsch et al. 2011). Climate warming alters the water temperature and water-mass stability, which can affect bottom oxygen conditions by decreasing dioxygen In Lake Bourget, most symptoms of eutrophication (the increase in N : P ratio, the increase in water column transparency in spring, and the reduction in chlorophyll a concentrations) disappeared within the last 30 yr in response to a drastic drop in dissolved P content in water (Jacquet et al. 2005) following a restoration program that started in the 1980s. Counterintuitively, severe hypoxic conditions (defined here as the prolonged absence of bioavailable O 2 in the hypolimnion, leading to a drastic reduction of benthic fauna) still prevail in bottom waters, precluding a return to pre-industrial ecosystem conditions ). Our objective is to reconstruct the yearly intensity of hypolimnetic hypoxia over the last 150 yr in Lake Bourget and to qualitatively explore potential forcing factors related to nutrient concentration and climate.Because long-term monitoring data are scarce or missing and almost never cover the pre-industrial period, long-term