In this advanced decade, automatic identification of individuals is a significant achievement due to the high demand of security system. Hence, individual recognition using biometrics data is leading in the field of image processing. Although biometrics data analysis using thumb impression and finger-prints are very popular since many years, sometimes it leads to false acceptance and rejection if any physical change occurs in the finger ridges. There may be a high risk of hacking the biometrics data which is now a big challenge for cyber security employees. This paper captures the palm-print images of individuals as referred biometrics data for individual recognition. The research work is based on one of the prior issue that is feature extraction to extract the features of palm-print image such as principle lines, textures, ridges and pores etc. For this, some of the feature extraction techniques such as Derivatives of Gaussian filter (DoG), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and competitive coding. Two types of filters: Gaussian Filter and Gabor filter are combined with each of the feature extraction scheme for the matching of sampled image with testing image. In the result, the error rates of each of the feature extraction algorithms are compared to recognize the palm image of two different individuals.