Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) is a rare autoimmune bullous disease classically associated with an underlying neoplasm. The heterogeneous clinical and histopathologic features of the disease make diagnosis challenging for clinicians. There are no formally accepted diagnostic criteria, and newer techniques for identifying antibodies directed against plakin proteins have largely replaced immunoprecipitation, the historic gold standard.
An analysis of 265 published cases of PNP was performed. The clinical, histopathologic, and immunologic features of PNP were assessed.
Based on this review, we modified previous diagnostic criteria to capture 89.4% of PNP cases compared to 71.2% of cases captured by the most commonly referenced criteria devised by Camisa and Helm (p‐value < 0.01, z‐test; 95% CI [10.2, 33.6]).
These revised diagnostic criteria address the variable clinical, histopathologic, and biochemical features of PNP, allowing physicians to have greater confidence in diagnosis of this rare and often fatal disease. The revised criteria include three major criteria and two minor criteria, whereby meeting either all three major criteria or two major and both minor criteria would fulfill a diagnosis of paraneoplastic pemphigus. The major criteria include (a) mucous membrane lesions with or without cutaneous involvement, (b) concomitant internal neoplasm, and (b) serologic evidence of anti‐plakin antibodies. The minor criteria include (a) acantholysis and/or lichenoid interface dermatitis on histopathology and (b) direct immunofluorescence staining showing intercellular and/or basement membrane staining.