com elevado consumo de gordura, açúcar e sal. Os dados apresentados no presente estudo concordam com a literatura especializada, que revela que a intensa propaganda de alimentos na televisão pode estar contribuindo com os índices de sobrepeso e obesidade encontrados nos adolescentes. Physical inactivity associated with an increase in consumption of energetic foods consumed in front of the TV, or as a result of the influence of adverts for the sale of processed foods, has been presented as a determinant factor in the increase in body weight during adolescence. Thus the present study aimed to investigate the influence of TV on the eating habits of an adolescent population in the north of Brazil. The following were investigated: a) the importance of communication and the level of influence, with the main emphasis on the publicity and propaganda aired on TV; b) the amount of propaganda concerning food products aired by the main networks of open TV in Brazil, and the nutritional quality of these foods; c) the content of the propaganda concerning foods, including the emotional and rational appeals associated with the product advertised; d) the food buying habits and eating habits of the adolescents as related to the occurrence of overweight and obesity. Each specific objective was developed in a separate study, with specific material and method. In study number one, the programs of the three main networks of open TV in Brazil, viewer leaders in the City of Manaus, were taped. In parallel, the daily program report of the three TV networks was analyzed. The data were analyzed by parametric statistics using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It was shown that the category of foods showed the greatest mean frequency of going on air. With respect to the selected food product adverts, it was shown that the majority referred to foods classified in the group of oils, fats, sugars and sweets of the Adapted Food Pyramid. In study number two, two types of analysis were carried out: the first was quantitative, relating the percent occurrence of the categories for the classification of the adverts and products. It was shown that 73.3% of the adverts promoted the product itself. The same percentage of 73.3% indicated foods for consumption at breakfast time and/or for lunch/snacks. All of the selected food adverts suggested the immediate consumption of the products announced. In the second analysis proposed, also quantitative, ANOVA was used. With respect to the exploration of sentiments by the food adverts, a post hoc showed that the mean frequency of the indication of sentiments explored, represented by groups (female gender and male gender) was statistically greater for the male group. Taking as the reference the analysis of data collected as from the judging of ideas associated with the food products, it was observed that the two groups judged the adverts with the same mean frequencies. In study number three, the questionnaires Evaluation of Consumption and Socio-Economic Evaluation, were applied to 94 adolescents of both sexes, ...