Children with visual impairment are often cared for many years by health services and their satisfaction has a key role in the adherence and participation to health and rehabilitation programmes, impacting on the quality and efficacy of their care. The purpose of this pilot study was to test the Hollman-VisuoTactile Scale (H-VTS), an adapted self-assessment satisfaction tool, on 22 children with visual impairment, aged 2–12 years, to assess their perceptions of the rehabilitative and educational activities followed. The System Usability Scale was administrated to their health professionals to also test its usability. Results showed that the H-VTS was easily understood by both children and professionals; the children showed interest to it and responded in a short time; the professionals highlighted its easiness to use in their clinical practice, supporting it as an easy-to-use tool for health professionals to detect satisfaction of received care in children with visual impairment.