We measured regional cerebral blood flow and [ ]iodoamphetamine (IMP) uptake, in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), and in regional cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (rCMROi), corresponding to the infarct core and hypodensity on the x-ray computed tomogram (CT scan). The peripheral or peri-infarct area was characterized by slight decreases in IMP uptake, rCBF, and rCMRO 2 , with a normal image on the x-ray CT scan that we attributed to diaschisis or selective neuronal loss and not to a chronic ischemic penumbra.We studied the central and peripheral areas during the subacute period using single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) once, twice, or more times, providing a longitudinal evaluation of both areas. A few patients were also studied using positron emission tomography (PET), providing information on rCMRO 2 in the same areas. The Received August 5, 1987; accepted August 15, 1988. data were analyzed with attention to the pathophysiology of alteration in the peri-infarct areas.
Subjects and MethodsEach patient had a SPECT study with xenon-133 and one with IMP using a Tomomatic 64 providing three slices with 17 mm resolution and later using a Tomomatic 564 providing five contiguous slices with 12 mm resolution. 23 rCBF was measured in each patient as described elsewhere, 4 -6 and results were expressed in milliliters per minute per 100 grams of brain or relative to the contralateral symmetrical value. rCBF was also measured 30 minutes after intravenous injection of 1 g acetazolamide. The normal rCBF increase induced by the drug (acetazolamide reactivity) was found to be approximately 30% 7 ; mean±SD acetazolamide reactivity was 38±19% in the assumed normal hemisphere of 49 patients in our center.IMP images were routinely obtained 10-30 minutes (IMP 10') and then 5 (IMP 5H) and 24 (IMP 24H) hours after injection. IMP was prepared from a commercial kit (Oris, CEN-Saclay, France) with iodine-123 that was produced by a tellurium-124 (p,2n) iodine-123 reaction and contained <4% iodine-124. Doses injected were 185-259 MBq (5-7 mCi) in 10 mg IMP. IMP uptake results were not corrected for isotope decay and are expressed relative to the contralateral symmetrical value.Three patients had a PET study of rCBF, rCMRO 2 , and regional oxygen extraction fraction