AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji implementasi model pendidikan anti korupsi pada program studi PGMI IAIN Kendari, mengetahui dampak dari implementasi model pendidikan anti korupsi tersebut, dan mengetahui model kurikulum pendidikan anti korupsi mana yang lebih memahamkan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah 75 mahasiswa program studi PGMI IAIN Kendari semester IV. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi model kurikulum pendidikan anti korupsi tidak 100% murni menerapkan model mata kuliah sendiri, tetapi mengintegrasikan pembelajaran tidak langsung, seperti pembiasaan dan pemberian nasihat. Implementasi model pendidikan anti korupsi tersebut sudah cukup memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai kajian korupsi. Model kurikulum dengan mata kuliah sendiri masih merupakan model yang paling memberi pengetahuan bagi mahasiswa terhadap materi anti korupsi, namun dengan penambahan program pembelajaran di luar kelas. Abstract This study aimed to analyze the model of anti-corruption education implemented in PGMI (Islamic elementary school teacher) department at IAIN Kendari, to know the impact of the implementation of anti-corruption education model, and to find the most effective curriculum model of anti-corruption education. This research used qualitative descriptive method and the research subject was the 4th semester students of PGMI department at IAIN Kendari. The data collecting used were questionnaire and depth interview. The data were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The findings indicated that anti-corruption education as regular subject in department of PGMI IAN Kendari was not the only method applied,but it integrated into indirect teaching such as getting them wonted and giving them advice. The implementation of anti-corruption education model made the students understand about corruption studies. Anti-corruption education as regular subject was the effective model to help the students understand the corruption, although an additional teaching method should be considered.