This study aims to determine the significant relationship between the question-and-answer method and students' learning motivation in class XI at SMK Jambi Medan. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study were all students of Class XI at Jambi Medan Private Vocational School, which consisted of 3 (three) classes, namely: class XI-1, class XI-2, and class XI-3. The sample of this research was 71 people taken from 36 students in class XI-1 and 35 students in class XI-2. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, documentation, and interviews. The questionnaire used was 33 questions with 5 (five) answer options, the value given for each answer was: a. Always (score 5), b. Often (score 4), c. Sometimes (score 3), d. Rarely (score 2), and e. Never (score 1). From the results of the research and discussion that has been carried out, several conclusions have been obtained, including There is a co-significant relationship between Q&A style and students' learning motivation in XI SMK Private Jambi Medan class, which can be seen from the data of rcount (0.770) is greater than the rtable (0.279) at a significant level of 5%, or it can be formulated as 0.770 > 0.279. If seen from the interpretation table "r" product moment rcount (0.770) is located at point 0.70-0.90, it can be said to have a strong and high relationship or a significant relationship to student learning motivation