Abstract. Sectio caesarea is a surgical procedure with an incision into the uterine wall and abdominal wall to remove the baby if the fetal weight is >500 grams. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the rate of sectio caesarea has increased worldwide from 21% to 28.5%. This study aims to analyze the relationship between age and parity of mothers with sectio caesarea at RSUD SMC. This type of study is quantitative with an analytical observational method accompanied by a cross sectional approach. Sampling using probability sampling technique with simple random sampling method obtained 212 respondents. The method of data collection was obtained from medical records which was processed by analysis with the chi-square test. Univariate results obtained from 212 respondents, who experienced sectio caesarea as many as 125 people (59,0%), most of the age <20 years as many as 56 respondents (69,1%) and parity ≥4 as many as 51 respondents (70,8%). Bivariate results showed a relationship between age and parity of mothers with sectio caesarea at RSUD SMC Tasikmalaya Regency in 2021, the mother's age obtained p value 0,001 < α 0,05 and parity obtained p value 0.000 < α 0,05. The conclusion in this study is that there is a relationship between maternal age and parity with sectio caesarea at RSUD SMC Tasikmalaya Regency in 2021.
Abstrak. Sectio caesarea merupakan tindakan operasi dengan melalui insisi terhadap dinding uterus dan dinding perut untuk mengeluarkan bayi jika berat janin >500 gram. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) tingkat sectio caesarea telah meningkat dari 21% menjadi 28,5% di seluruh dunia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan antara umur dan paritas ibu dengan sectio caesarea di RSUD SMC. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode observasional analitik disertai pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik probability sampling dengan metode simple random sampling didapatkan 212 responden. Cara pengumpulan data diperoleh dari rekam medik yang diolah secara analisis dengan uji chi-square. Hasil univariat didapatkan dari 212 responden, yang mengalami sectio caesarea sebanyak 125 orang (59,0%), sebagian besar umur <20 tahun sebanyak 56 responden (69,1%) dan paritas 4 sebanyak 51 responden (70,8%). Hasil bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara umur dan paritas ibu dengan sectio caesarea di RSUD SMC Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tahun 2021, pada umur ibu diperoleh p value 0,001 < α 0,05 dan paritas diperoleh p value 0,000 < α 0,05. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara umur dan paritas ibu dengan sectio caesarea di RSUD SMC Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tahun 2021.