The concept of Schramm-Loewner evolution provides a unified description of domain boundaries of many lattice spin systems in two dimensions, possibly even including systems with quenched disorder. Here, we study domain walls in the random-field Ising model. Although, in two dimensions, this system does not show an ordering transition to a ferromagnetic state, in the presence of a uniform external field spin domains percolate beyond a critical field strength. Using exact ground state calculations for very large systems, we examine ground state domain walls near this percolation transition finding strong evidence that they are conformally invariant and satisfy the domain Markov property, implying compatibility with Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLEκ) with parameter κ = 6. These results might pave the way for new field-theoretic treatments of systems with quenched disorder.In the past decades, analytic techniques such as conformal field theory (CFT) and Coulomb gas methods have led to a rather comprehensive understanding of critical phenomena in two dimensions (2D). In particular, CFT allows for a complete classification of 2D critical points, the exact determination of critical exponents and, in some cases, even scaling amplitudes [1]. This success is tied to the fact that the conformal group is infinite-dimensional, however, which is true only in 2D, and few of the results generalize to higher dimensions [2]. Another difficulty for this approach arises for the important class of systems with quenched disorder, such as diluted magnets, random-field systems and spin glasses [3], since the non-unitary CFTs that are believed to describe systems with quenched disorder are poorly understood [4].While some geometrical aspects of critical phenomena had been previously worked out using concepts from the Coulomb gas [5] and two-dimensional quantum gravity [6], a breakthrough was achieved with the description of domain boundaries in terms of random curves in the plane in a framework dubbed Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) [7]. In SLE, stochastic curves in the plane are constructed from onedimensional Brownian motion, thus classifying a statistical ensemble of curves with only one parameter, the diffusion constant κ. Characteristic interfaces in many physical systems have been shown (in some cases rigorously) to satisfy SLE κ . These include percolation (κ = 6), self avoiding walks (κ = 4/3), as well as spin cluster boundaries (κ = 3) and Fortuin-Kasteleyn cluster boundaries (κ = 16/3) in the Ising model. In recent years, close connections between SLE and CFT, including links between probabilistic properties of SLE curves and scaling operators in CFT, or between the central charge c of the CFT and the diffusion constant κ have been established [7]. A number of numerical studies have found interfaces in disordered systems to be (partially) consistent with SLE, in particular the 2D Ising spin glass [8,9], the Potts model on dynamical triangulations [10], the random bond Potts model [11], and the disordered solid-on-solid model [12...