DOI: 10.1136/bmj.h3084
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Performance of alternative strategies for primary cervical cancer screening in sub-Saharan Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies

Abstract: ObjeCtiveTo assess and compare the accuracy of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI), and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as alternative standalone methods for primary cervical cancer screening in sub-Saharan Africa.Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies. Data sOurCesSystematic searches of multiple databases including Medline, Embase, and Scopus for studies published between January 1994 and June 2014. review methODsInc… Show more

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Cited by 103 publications
(88 citation statements)
References 54 publications
(55 reference statements)
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“…The overall VIA positivity in our study population (7.1%), diagnosed by well trained and experienced VIA nurses was similar to reports from India 47 , Cameroon 39 and Tanzania 48 but lower than in a metaanalysis of 15 studies in SSA 49 were the pooled estimate of positivity was 17.4% (95&CI 10.4 to 25.6). A high variations in test positivity is observed among VIA studies conducted world wide 49 , such discrepancies in VIA positivity is explained by patient characteristics (age, HIV status, precancer prevalence) and inherent procedure issues (high inter-operator variability, unamenable to quality control).…”
Section: Viasupporting
confidence: 85%
“…The overall VIA positivity in our study population (7.1%), diagnosed by well trained and experienced VIA nurses was similar to reports from India 47 , Cameroon 39 and Tanzania 48 but lower than in a metaanalysis of 15 studies in SSA 49 were the pooled estimate of positivity was 17.4% (95&CI 10.4 to 25.6). A high variations in test positivity is observed among VIA studies conducted world wide 49 , such discrepancies in VIA positivity is explained by patient characteristics (age, HIV status, precancer prevalence) and inherent procedure issues (high inter-operator variability, unamenable to quality control).…”
Section: Viasupporting
confidence: 85%
“…La sensibilité de la cytologie pour détecter des lésions CIN 2-3 se situe entre 47 et 62 % et la spécificité de 60 à 95 % [13], alors que la sensibilité et la spécificité de cet examen précédé d'une inspection à l'acide acétique pour le dépistage des lésions pré-cancéreuses (≥ CIN 2), sont respectivement de 68 et 93 % [2,7]. Une méta-analyse récente montrait une légère supério-rité de la coloration au Lugol ® par rapport à celle à l'acide acétique en Afrique subsaharienne [4]. La recherche au niveau cervical par PCR de papillomavirus oncogènes pourrait aussi être un examen utile pour cibler les patientes devant bénéficier d'un suivi régulier, ce virus augmentant significativement le risque de développer un carcinome in situ [6].…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…However, cervical cancer screening coverage, and linkage to care, is low in LMIC countries where infrastructure and personnel requirements put high demands on the health systems 4. Cytology-based programmes have improved cervical cancer control in developed countries, but implementation in LMIC countries is constrained by cost, lack of infrastructure and trained staff, and lag time between sample collection and availability of test result, leading to delays or losses in management 7. Visual inspection of the cervix using acetic acid (VIA) or Lugol’s iodine (VILI) is frequently practised in low-resource settings as it can be performed by trained midwives and nurses, and requires simple tools to perform (speculum, acetic acid, Lugol’s iodine, lamp).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%