“…Although the modern biopharmaceutical industry focuses primarily on fed‐batch processes (Shukla & Thömmes, ), perfusion processes are a substantial part of upcoming manufacturing technologies as they can provide multiple advantages. In addition to their economic feasibility (Croughan, Konstantinov, & Cooney, ), continuous processes using cell retention can provide higher cell densities, prolonged cultivation times, both removal of inhibitory by‐products, and continuous substrate addition (Bielser, Wolf, Souquet, Broly, & Morbidelli, ; Voisard, Meuwly, Ruffieux, Baer, & Kadouri, ). Alternating tangential flow (ATF) and tangential flow filtration (TFF) using filtration via hollow fiber modules can potentially reach cell densities of well above 100 × 10 6 cells/ml (Clincke, Mölleryd, Zhang, et al, ) and stable long‐term operation with high viabilities (Warikoo et al, ; Xu, Hoshan, & Chen, ).…”