Calcium antagonists may be of significant benefit in the pharmacotberapy of cerebral ischemia, possibly by improving postischemic cerebral blood flow (CBF). This study evaluated the effects of the calcium antagonist nimodipine on CBF in a newborn beagle pup model of perinatal asphyxia lasting 5 minutes. Immediately after the asphyxia] episode, nimodipine (2 /ug/kg/min) or saline was infused for 10 minutes, following which [ u C]iodoantipyrine determinations of CBF were performed. In noninsulted pups, nimodipine caused both significant decreases in CBF to cortical and deep gray structures as well as a decrease in mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) (p < 0.05). In insulted pups, nimodipine similarly decreased MABP (p < 0.001) and CBF to cortical and deep gray matter regions. Nimodipine appeared to have no effect on arterial blood gases and EEG tracings in either insulted or noninsulted pups. Although nimodipine may be shown to improve neurologic outcome in asphyxiated newborn infants, the limits of this study do not show the mechanism to be that of improving CBF. 910 Hypoxic/ischemic insults are known to result in cerebral metabolic disturbances characterized by decreased concentrations of highenergy phosphate compounds and by increased cerebral lactate. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) falls, and secondary failure of the ion pump results in neuronal depolarization and calcium entry. This imbalance in intracellular calcium provokes the accumulation of free fatty acids, which in turn uncouples oxidative metabolism and produces additional neuronal permeability changes. "~1 4 In response to ischemic insult, calcium channel blockers have been reported to both act on vascular smooth muscle to increase CBF 1 " 315 and to block calcium influx at voltage-gated calcium channels to preserve neuronal integrity.16 "
18While much has been written about the efficacy of calcium antagonists in adult animal models of hypoxic/ischemic insult, little is known about the role of these agents in the response of the developing nervous system to such problems. 1920 Severe perinatal asphyxia, the classic hypoxic/ischemic insult of the newborn period, has been reported to occur in between 1 in 50 and 1 in 500 live births 21 Newborn beagle pups provide a good model for the study of the developing brain. Neuropathologic insults such as perinatal cerebral infarction and intraventricular hemorrhage may be produced by clinically relevant models and CBF may be determined.
3839The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the calcium antagonist nimodipine on CBF in newbom beagle pups exposed to a clinically relevant model for perinatal asphyxia. To approximate clinical events, nimodipine was administered as an i.v. infusion after asphyxial insult.
Materials and MethodsThe following studies were performed with the approval of the Yale University Committee on Animal Care.Newborn beagle pups (24-96 hours old) were lightly anesthetized with 20 mg/kg i.p. pentobarbital, tracheotomized after local 1% xylocaine infiltration, paralyzed with 1 mg/kg...