We address how the value of risky options should be assessed in the case where the sum of the probability-weighted payoffs is not absolutely convergent and thus dependent on the order in which the terms are summed (e.g., as in the Pasadena Paradox).We develop and partially defend a proposal according to which options should be evaluated on the basis of agreement among admissible (e.g., convex and quasi-symmetric) covering sequences of the constituents of value (i.e., probabilities and payoffs).A finitely additive theory of (e.g., prudential or moral) value holds that, where there are only finitely many parts, the value of a whole is the sum of the value of its parts. We address the problem of how to extend this sum-principle when there are an infinite number of parts.Sometimes the sum of an infinite number of values is a well-defined finite number. For example, the values 1, -½, ¼, -1/8, 1/16, …, (-1/2) n , … add up to 2/3. Indeed, whatever the order with which the terms are added together, the resulting total is equal to 2/3. The series 1 -½ + ¼ -1/8 + 1/16 -…+ (-1/2) n +… is absolutely convergent, which means that it converges (i.e., has a finite limit) and the series of the absolute values of its terms also converges (1 + |-½| + ¼ + |-1/8| + 1/16 +…+ |(-1/2) n | +… = 2). For absolutely convergent series, rearranging the order of the terms does not change to resulting total, and thus the total of the terms is well-defined. Sometimes, however, the order does matter. For example,