Abstract. Understanding the relationship between sound-scattering layers (SSLs) and
pelagic habitat characteristics is a substantial step to apprehend ecosystem
dynamics. SSLs are detected on echo sounders representing aggregated marine
pelagic organisms. In this study, SSL characteristics of zooplankton and
micronekton were identified during an upwelling event in two contrasting
areas of the Senegalese continental shelf. Here a cold upwelling-influenced
inshore area was sharply separated by a strong thermal boundary from a
deeper, warmer, stratified offshore area. Mean SSL thickness and SSL vertical
depth increased with the shelf depth. The thickest and deepest SSLs were
observed in the offshore part of the shelf. Hence, zooplankton and
micronekton seem to occur more frequently in stratified water conditions
rather than in fresh upwelled water. Diel vertical and horizontal migrations
of SSLs were observed in the study area. Diel period and physicochemical
water characteristics influenced SSL depth and SSL thickness. Although
chlorophyll-a concentration insignificantly affected SSL characteristics, the
peak of chlorophyll a was always located above or in the middle of the SSLs,
regularly matching with the peak of SSL biomass. Such observations indicate
trophic relationships, suggesting SSLs to be mainly composed of
phytoplanktivorous zooplankton and micronekton. Despite local hypoxia, below
30 m depth, distribution patterns of SSLs indicate no vertical migration
boundary. The results increase the understanding of the spatial organization of mid-trophic species and migration patterns of zooplankton and micronekton, and they will also improve dispersal models for organisms in upwelling regions.