Objective: To assess the relationship of air pollution and hematologic parameters in a population-based sample of children and adolescents.
Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2009-2010 among school students randomly selected from different areas of Isfahan city, the second largest and most air-polluted city in Iran. The association of air pollutants levels with hemoglobin, platelets, red and white blood cells (RBC and WBC, respectively) levels was determined by multiple linear and logistic regression analyses, after adjustment for age, gender, anthropometric measures, meteorological factors, and dietary and physical activity habits.
Results:The study participants consisted of 134 students (48.5% boys) with a mean age of 13.10±2.21 years. While the mean Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) was at moderate level, the mean particulate matter ≤ 10 µm (PM 10 ) was more than twice the normal level. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that PSI and most air pollutants, notably PM 10 , had significant negative relationship with hemoglobin and RBC count, and positive significant relationship with WBC and platelet counts. The odds ratio of elevated WBC increased as the quartiles of PM 10 , ozone and PSI increased, however these associations reached to significant level only in the highest quartile of PM 10 and PSI. The corresponding figures for hemoglobin and RBC were in opposite direction.
Conclusions:The association of air pollutants with hematologic parameters and a possible pro-inflammatory state is highlighted. The presence of these associations with PM 10 in a moderate mean PSI level underscores the necessity to re-examine environmental health policies for the pediatric age group.J Pediatr (Rio J). 2011;87(4): Air pollution, cell blood count, atherosclerosis, inflammation, children, prevention.
ResumoObjetivo: Avaliar a relação entre poluição atmosférica e parâ-metros hematológicos em uma amostra populacional de crianças e adolescentes.
Métodos:Este estudo transversal foi realizado em 2009-2010 com estudantes escolhidos aleatoriamente de diversas áreas de Isfahan, a segunda maior e mais poluída cidade iraniana. A associação entre os níveis de poluentes do ar e os de hemoglobina, plaquetas, glóbulos brancos (GB) e glóbulos vermelhos (GV) foi determinada pelas análises linear múltipla e de regressão logística ajustadas para idade, sexo, medidas antropométricas, fatores meteorológicos, e hábitos alimentares e de atividade física.
Resultados:Participaram do estudo 134 estudantes (48,5% meninos), com idade média de 13,10±2,21 anos. Com níveis moderados de Pollutant Standards Index (PSI), a média de material particulado (particulate matter) ≤ 10 µm (PM 10 ) foi mais do que o dobro do normal. A análise de regressão linear demonstrou que o PSI e a maioria dos poluentes atmosféricos, especialmente PM 10 , estiveram negativamente relacionados com a contagem de hemoglobina e GV e positivamente relacionados com a contagem de GB e plaquetas. O odds ratio de uma elevação nos GB aumentou conforme os quart...