The use of fashion thrift among teenagers becoming a phenomenon that is in vogue at this time. Even so, thrift fashion is often synonymous with negative connotations when juxtaposed with new clothes. This view will certainly affect the self-concept of a teenager who uses thrift fashion. This study aims to determine the self-concept formed in adolescents who use fashion thrift in the city of Bandung. To examine the results of the study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method with a theory of symbolic interaction initiated by George Herbert Mead & Blumer. The researcher focuses the study on important concepts contained in the theory of symbolic interaction, namely the concepts of mind, self and society as an analytical tools to find the self-concept of teenegers who use fashion thrift. The results of the study found that teenagers view thrift fashion as an alternative to explore their appearance with a minimal budget. Fashion is not only considered a necessity, but a form of representation that reflects the personality of the self and ways to improve the self-existence of teenagers who are often concerned with social judgment. In addition, in the formation of the concept of self, teenage thrift fashion users do not feel inferior when using thrift fashion. Thus, thrift fashion increases the self-confidence of teenagers who form a positive self-concept. On the other hand, the formation of the self-concept of teenagers thrift fashion users is influenced by positive and negative views from relatives, parents, to social media.