We studied age-related changes in enzyme kinetic parameters in human liver microsomes (HLMs) in vitro, using triazolam (TRZ), an index of CYP3A activity. HLMs were prepared from male livers from four age groups, n ϭ 5 per group: A (14 -20 years), B (21-40 years), C (41-60 years), and D (61-72 years). Mean V max values in groups B and C for both 1-hydroxytriazolam (1-OH-TRZ) and 4-hydroxy-triazolam (4-OH-TRZ) formation were significantly greater as compared with groups A and D individually, as well as the net intrinsic clearance (sum of the two pathways). The mean net intrinsic clearance (Cl int ) values were 25.2, 89.8, 78, and 20.6 nl/min/mg protein in A, B, C, and D, respectively. TRZ Cl int correlated well with total CYP3A content (r s ϭ 0.84; P Ͻ 0.0001). Testosterone (TST) inhibited 1-OH-TRZ formation and activated 4-OH-TRZ formation in all age groups, with no significant differences among the groups; this suggests that the drug-drug interaction potential using TRZ and TST as index CYP3A substrates may not change with age. Reduced V max and Cl int for TRZ hydroxylation and CYP3A protein in livers from elderly men suggest reduced CYP3A gene expression in this group.There is considerable pharmacokinetic evidence suggesting that age-related changes occur in drug disposition (Schmucker, 1985;Greenblatt et al., 1989;von Moltke et al., 1995a). However, in some clinical studies, no age-related changes were demonstrated in the biotransformation of CYP3A substrates (see reviews by Greenblatt et al., 1982;Cotreau et al., 2004). Factors that could influence drug clearance in the elderly include the expression, content, and function of catalytically active enzymes, as well as liver mass, hepatic blood flow, and renal function (Vestal, 1982;Greenblatt et al., 1986). It has been shown that triazolam (TRZ) clearance is reduced in the elderly (Greenblatt et al., 1983a(Greenblatt et al., , 1991.In vitro studies could be helpful in examining the role of age on the metabolic activity of CYP3A and liver CYP3A content. However, the results of such studies have been inconsistent. Some studies using human liver microsomes (HLMs) have shown an age-related decline in CYP3A content (George et al., 1995;Sotaniemi et al., 1997) or total P450 activity (Sotaniemi et al., 1997), whereas others have found no change associated with age in content (Shimada et al., 1994;Transon et al., 1996) or activity of CYP3A (Schmucker et al., 1990;Hunt et al., 1992;Shimada et al., 1994;Transon et al., 1996).Previous in vitro studies have evaluated the effect of age on metabolite formation rate via CYP3A-mediated biotransformation, but without consideration for enzyme affinity (Hunt et al., 1992;Transon et al., 1996), HLMs were classified into one or more classes over a wide age range, and these studies did not evaluate the possible contribution of CYP3A5 to agerelated effects on CYP3A metabolism (Hunt et al., 1992;Shimada et al., 1994).To address these issues, we examined the effect of age on TRZ metabolism in HLMs from male donors ranging in ag...