The translational, vibrational, and rotational characteristics of nitric oxide, NO, ejected by 351 nm
photodissociation of tert-butyl nitrite, (CH3)3CONO, adsorbed on Ag(111) have been investigated using
resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight (REMPI-TOF) and interpreted using a direct
excitation and collisional relaxation model. There are three translational energy components denoted as
collisionless, intermediate, and thermalized. The collisionless component has characteristics matching those
found for gas phase monomer photolysis. The thermalized component has characteristics expected for NO
accommodated to the substrate temperature, while the more complex intermediate component is qualitatively
describable in terms of collisions of nascent energetic NO with surrounding species as it exits into the gas
phase. There are strong ν‘ ‘ = 1 and 2 but negligible ν‘ ‘ = 0 contributions to the collisionless component. The
collisionless component is also characterized by high rotational excitation; Gaussian rotational distributions
with J
max = 24.5 ± 1 for ν‘ ‘ = 1 and 29.5 ± 1 for ν‘ ‘ = 2 provide reasonable fits. The translationally thermalized
component is dominated by the ν‘ ‘ = 0 vibrational state and by a Boltzmann rotational distribution (T
rot =
124 ± 30 K); i.e., all three modes of motion are thermalized. The vibrational and rotational characteristics of
the intermediate translational component are more complex and will require simulation and angle-resolved
REMPI for fuller elucidation.