Purpose: We provide a review of the key computed tomography (CT) technologies developed since the late 1980s and offer an overview of one of the future technologies under development. The focus of this review is mainly on the hardware and system development. The topics on the historical event linked to the early days of CT development and other innovations that contributed to the CT development, such as advanced image reconstruction techniques, are covered by companion papers in this special issue.Approach: The review is divided into five major sections, each linked to a key innovation in CT: helical spiral data acquisition, multi-slice CT, wide-cone CT, dual-source CT, and spectral CT. Given the limited scope of this review, only one of the future technologies, photon-counting CT, is discussed in detail. Whenever possible, both theory of operation and clinical examples are provided.Results: Theoretical analyses, phantom results, and clinical examples clearly demonstrate the efficacy and clinical relevancy of five historical technology developments and one future technology in CT. These technologies have improved and will continue to improve CT performance in terms of isotropic volume coverage, improved temporal resolution, and material differentiation and characterization capabilities.Conclusions: Over the past 30 years, technological developments of CT have contributed to the success of CT in many clinical applications such as trauma, oncology, cardiac imaging, and stroke. Advanced clinical applications have and will continue to demand more advanced technology development.