“…PA is 4 recommended to be individually adapted, and this group may need longer time to recover after PA and pace themselves in order to manage fatigue and pain (Lexell, 2014). The level of PA varies considerably in this population and is mostly performed within low-level intensity activities such as household chores and leisure (Klein, Braitman, Costello, Keenan, & Esquenazi, 2008;Willen & Grimby, 1998;Winberg, Flansbjer, Carlsson, Rimmer, & Lexell, 2014). Previous studies have shown that self-reported impairments, in particular muscle weakness, walking ability, and fear of falling are only weakly to moderately associated with PA (Winberg, Brogardh, et al; Winberg, Flansbjer, Rimmer, & Lexell).…”