Satellite communication plays an important role in future wireless network. In this article, we investigate the outage performance of the integrated satellite-terrestrial relay network (ISTRN) with relay selection based adaptive decode-and-forward (RSADF), where the relay selection is based on outdated channel state information (CSI), and the multiple-antenna relays conduct maximum-ratio receiving and transmitting for decoding and forwarding, respectively. Particularly, we first obtain a novel closed-form expression for the outage probability of the considered ISTRN with RSADF. Furthermore, to get further insights of the effect of key system parameters, e.g., the number of relays, the number of antennas, the CSI outdating level, and the channel fading characteristics, on the system performance, we conduct asymptotic analysis for three typical high average signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) scenarios, i.e., 1) all satellite and terrestrial links are with high average SNR, 2) the satellite-to-relay link and the relay-to-user link are with high average SNR, and 3) only the relay-to-user link is with high average SNR. The derived high SNR approximations of outage probability explicitly reveal the impact of key system parameters in the form of diversity gain and coding gain. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to validate the analytical results. INDEX TERMS Satellite communications, adaptive decode and forward, relay selection, outdated CSI.