The coal industry is leading in China. The further five-year development plan implies the coal industry capacities growth, but at the same time, it is planned to follow the path of “clean and efficient use of coal”. One of the priority areas is “green” construction. In this regard, the issue of disposal of coal burning waste is acute, the volume of which is constantly increasing, thereby polluting the soil, atmosphere and nearby reservoirs. Inefficient thermal insulation is the main reason for the large overspending of energy for heating buildings and structures. The harsh climate and cold winters in some areas of China predetermine the necessity of using high-quality heat-insulating materials. One of such materials is gas concrete. However, along with heat insulation it should also perform soundproofing function to minimize the noise exposure of big-city residents. It is noted that the production of aerated concrete mixes occupies a leading position, and the use of waste from fuel combustion as one of the components of aerated concrete allows not only to reduce the cost of its production, but also to reduce the environmental burden on the environment.