“…Interestingly, both CXCL12-CXCR4 and EGF-EGFR lead to activation of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway, which regulates PIM1 expression (Soriano et al, 2003), whereas PMA treatment is also known to produce a rapid induction of PIM1 expression (Wingett et al, 1996). As some of the PIM1 target sites, like the apoptosis regulator BAD (Ser112) or the cell cycle regulator p21 (WAF1) (Thr145/Ser146), are also phosphorylated by other protein kinases, such as RAF1, PAK5, RSK2/5 for the former and PKC- or AKT for the latter (Aho et al, 2004;Jin et al, 2005;Kim et al, 2006, Oh et al, 2006Zhang et al, 2007), it is unlikely that PIM1 is the only kinase that phosphorylates CXCR4-Ser339. Although the exact mechanisms remain to be elucidated, based on our results, PIM1-regulated phosphorylation of CXCR4-S339 could provide an interaction platform for proteins that regulate receptor surface reexon December 15, 2015 jem.rupress.org…”