FSH release from the female rat pituitary gland consists of an LH-like, LRH-dependent component and an autonomous, inhibin-sensitive component. It was investigated whether cyclic AMP mediated FSH release. BrcAMP, theophylline, MIX or NaF stimulated LH release but inhibited FSH release and synthesis. Although dbcAMP had no inhibitory effect on FSH release, it partly reversed the inhibitory action of theophylline. In view of previous and the present results it is concluded that cyclic AMP may mediate the LRHdependent LH and FSH release and, through a separate pathway, may mediate the inhibition of autonomous FSH release by the ovarian protein inhibin. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH) stimulates the release of the gonadotrophic hor¬ mones, luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestimulating hormone (FSH) from pituitary glands (Matsuo et al. 1971; Schally et al. 1971). Many reports deal with a possible role for cyclic AMP as an intracellular mediator for LRH-induced LH release, but only few of them also include FSH release (for review see Tixier-Vidal & Gourdji 1981; De Koning et al. 1981). Furthermore, secre¬ tion of FSH apparently is more complex than that of LH: FSH release consists of an autonomous (spontaneous or basal) component which can be inhibited by ovarian proteins (inhibin) and an LHlike, LRH-dependent component which is not af¬ fected by inhibin (Jenner et al. 1983). The present study was designed to investigate whether cyclic AMP mediates FSH release. For this purpose pitui¬ tary glands were incubated in the presence of agents that increase cyclic AMP levels.
Materials and MethodsAdult female Wistar rats were decapitated on the second day of dioestrus. Two pituitary halves were placed in flasks each containing 1 ml medium TC 199 (Difco Labs.). The pre-incubation of 0.5 h and the successive 8 h incubation with fresh media were carried out at 37°C under continuous shaking and gassing with 02 and C02 (95%:5%). The following agents were dissolved in the media at final concentrations of 1 to 10 mM: 8-bromoadenosine-3':5'-mono-phosphoric acid (BrcAMP; Boeh¬ ringer), N6 -2' -0 -dibutyryl -adenosine -3',5'-monophos¬ phate (dbcAMP; Boehringer), l-methyl-3-isobutyl-xanthine (MIX; Sigma), NaF (Merck) and theophylline (DBH Chemicals Ltd.). The LH and FSH contents of the media and of saline-extracted pituitary glands were esti¬ mated by radioimmunoassay (Welschen et al. 1975;De Koning et al. 1982;Jenner et al. 1982). Since in one case (10 mM NaF treatment) pituitary wet weight was signifi¬ cantly higher, the results are expressed as µg LH-RP-1 or pg FSH-RP-1/pituitary tissue (mean ± SEM; = 4) instead of per mg pituitary wet weight (see e.g. De Koningetal. 1981Jenner et al. 1982Jenner et al. , 1983. The reference and iodination preparations were generous Table 1. ). Statistical comparisons were made by analysis of variance followed by Duncan's mul¬ tiple comparison test (Steel 8c Torrie 1960).
Experiment 1The effects of 0, 1 and 10 mM dbcAMP in the presence and absence of 10 mM theophylline were stu...