A novel electro-magnetic probe array (EMPA) diagnostic which consists of a magnetic probe array and an electrostatic probe array has been developed on EAST recently. The EMPA is fixed near the first wall at horizontal port P. The magnetic probe array of the EMPA consists of 24 same magnetic probes, and each of them can measure toroidal, poloidal and radial magnetic fluctuations simultaneously which provides additional toroidal magnetic fluctuation measurements comparing with the regular magnetic probes on EAST. With higher sampling rate of 2 MHz, the EMPA magnetic probes can provide higher frequency magnetic fluctuation measurements. The magnetic probe array of the EMPA is arranged by 2 parallel layers of magnetic probes with radial distance of 63 mm. And each layer of the magnetic probes is arranged in 4 poloidal rows and 3 toroidal columns. The compact arrangement of the EMPA magnetic probe array largely improve the toroidal mode number measurement ability from -8≤n≤8 to -112≤n≤112, and also improve the high poloidal wave number measurement ability of magnetic fluctuations comparing with the regular high frequency magnetic probes on EAST. The electrostatic probe array of the EMPA consists of 2 sets of four-tip probes and a single-tip probe array with 3 poloidal rows and 4 toroidal columns. It complements the electrostatic parameter measurements behind the main limiter and near the first wall in EAST. The engineering details of the EMPA diagnostic including the mechanical system, electrical system, acquisition and control system, and effective area calibration are presented. The preliminary applications of the EMPA in L-mode and H-mode discharges on EAST have demonstrated that the EMPA works well for providing the information of the magnetic and electrostatic fluctuations and can contribute to deeper physical analysis in future EAST experiments.