“…Several methods have been developed to derive mature tissues from the IM lineage using hPSC. These protocols have successfully generated tissue, such as fallopian tube epithelium ( Yucer et al, 2021 ; 2017 ), endometrial stromal fibroblasts ( Miyazaki et al, 2018 ), podocytes ( Bejoy et al, 2022 ), Müllerian duct-like cells ( Gong et al, 2022 ) or gonad and testis cell ( Knarston et al, 2020 ; Yucer et al, 2017 showed the generation of TBXT+ (T-box transcription factor T, protein) (BRACHYURY)/MIXL1+ (Mix paired-like homeobox, protein) PPS and OSR1+ (Odd-skipped related transcription factor 1, protein)/GATA3+ (GATA binding protein 3, protein)/PAX2+ (paired box 2, protein) IM cells. In their study, human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) were initially exposed to 100 ng/mL human recombinant Activin A and 3 μM CHIR99021 for 48 h to differentiate into mesoderm, followed by IM induction using 100 ng/mL BMP4 and 3 μM CHIR99021 for 48 h. Knarston et al, 2020 described PPS differentiation with 3 μM CHIR99021 for 96 h and IM lineage OSR1+/LHX1+ (LIM homeobox 1, protein)/PAX2+ with 10 ng/mL BMP4, 1 μg/mL Heparin and 200 ng/mL FGF9 for 72 h. Bejoy et al, 2022 have reported an accelerated method by differentiating hPSC into MIXL1+ primitive streak cells with 100 ng/mL human Activin A and 3 μM CHIR99021 for 48 h, and IM PAX8+(paired box 8, protein) cells with 8 μM CHIR99021 for 72 h. Gong et al, 2022 treated hPSC with 5 μM CHIR99021 for 36 h, identifying successful induction of TBXT+/MIXL1+ mesendodermal cells; then 100 ng/mL basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and 10 nM Retinoic acid (RA) for OSR1+/PAX2+/LHX1+IM cell differentiation for 72 h.…”