Verbal violence is a kind of activity in which not all people realize that they are doing violation or being violated verbally. Usually, the verbal violation is regarded as something common because it is the right of husband to scold his wife with whatever the ways. Even, the society just look and let such violation occur. What husband does toward the wife is under the domain of the household. Nobody may interfere. Such way of thinking makes the perpetrators tyrannize. They courageously violate the wives. Nothing to be afraid. This brings about the phenomena of verbal violation like an iceberg. The violations look small but in fact many women become the victims. These women seem helpless. They mostly keep and recover the pain by themselves. The actions of verbal violence are due by several factors. This paper is aimed at describing the psychopragmatic factors of the domestic verbal violation toward women in DKI Jakarta. As the capital city of Indonesia, the verbal violence might occur in every part in many countries in ASEAN. However, the cases are not revealed yet. This writing may be one indication and consideration for the public and policy maker how to save women (wives) from the violence. The research was conducted in DKI Jakarta The data were taken by having interview, note-taking, and recording. The respondent are 15 women (victims of violence), 20 members of society, the government, and community leaders. The data are analyzed by using the Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence and concept or psycho-pragmatic. Having analyzed the data, it is found that there are at least four general psychopragmatics factors of the action of verbal violence toward women. They are 1) from the perpetrator; 2) from the victims; 3) family; and 4) environment.