The present work aims to provide a critical analysis of the curriculum reforms for High School, approved through Provisional Measure No. 746/2016 (Law No. 13.415/2017), which addresses public policies directed towards scientific education in Brazil, considering the directions that the teaching of Natural Sciences has taken under such regulations. Thus, this work is a theoretical essay of critical origin, discussing the structure and curricular organization of the subjects that comprise the area of Natural Sciences, which are Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, from the perspective of their teaching within the New High School framework. This analysis utilized relevant references that discuss the hollowing out of the National Curriculum Guidelines within the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) for the area of Natural Sciences. This study diagnosed an exacerbation of problems related to the discontinuity of curricular policies aimed at Science Education, the precariousness of teaching, the subjectivity of teaching work, and the formation of individuals oriented towards the qualification of cheap labor, presenting a serious challenge for society and future generations.