In 2000, three pioneering papers launched a new era in Rydberg physics. One predicted the blockade mechanism where extremely large Rydberg-Rydberg interactions only allow a single excitation in a given volume. A second envisioned how strong long-range interactions between ground-state atoms could be induced via admixing with Rydberg character with dressing lasers. The third foresaw the existence of a new type of molecules bound by the Rydberg electron, namely, ultralong-range Rydberg molecules (URMs), sometimes known as trilobitelike molecules. We predict a new molecular binding mechanism between ground-state atoms based on the combination of aspects of each feature. By using lasers to dress interactions with a URM state, within a blockade volume, we find that pairs of atoms can be bound in potential wells at separations of thousands of Bohr radii. We show how the wells' properties can be tailored by laser fields. The bound levels produced have unique properties, such as very long bond length and much longer lifetimes than their URM "parents," and, contrary to standard molecular levels, they can be adjusted easily by the appropriate choice of laser parameters or Rydberg dressing state. Furthermore, the spatial orientation and even the geometry of those molecules can be designed and controlled. This approach could also be employed to generate correlated pairs, allowing to engineer atoms' spatial distributions to explore many-body dynamics in ultracold samples.