The formation of structural seals at the surface of bare soils exposed to the direct impact of raindrops is Rainfall-induced soil surface sealing can have severe agricultural, dominated by a wide variety of factors involving soil hydrological, and environmental effects. Seal formation is a complex phenomenon dominated by a wide variety of factors involving soil properties, rainfall characteristics, and flow conditions. properties, rainfall characteristics, and flow conditions. It has beenThe complexity of the phenomenon has challenged studied through extensive experimental investigations as well as simumany scientists, and it has been studied during the last lation models. This study reviews some of the main issues, in terms four decades through extensive experimental investigaof morphology, phenomenology, and both conceptual and empirical tions as well as simulation models. A large number of modeling approaches to improve our perception of the phenomenon experimental studies have investigated the effect of the and our ability to simulate its effects on flow processes. The effects factors involved in seal formation, either during its dyof different factors on infiltration during seal formation and in sealed namic stage, or after it has already reached its final stage soil profiles are highlighted, including seal representation, soil and when the seal layer is fully developed. Laboratory as rainfall properties, and field heterogeneity. New research opportuniwell as field experiments were performed on various ties toward a generalized formulation of the processes involved in soil sealing and a reliable quantitative prediction of its effects on flow soil types under either saturated or unsaturated flow processes are identified. These are related mainly to the ability to conditions, and for a wide range of natural and simuquantify and predict the relationships between soil hydraulic properlated rainfall intensities and kinetic energies. Different ties and physical, chemical, and biological factors that affect the soil conceptual as well as empirical models of seal formation, resistance to, and effects on infiltration were suggested.Dealing with soil surface sealing requires the ability to understand, characterize, and quantitatively repre-