This paper aims to investigate the potential for developing a unique coffee tourism experience in the Eje Cafetero region of Colombia, considering unique local traditions of coffee production, as well as local tourism infrastructure.
With the aim of observing coffee tourism experiences in-place, this paper uses an analytical auto-ethnographic methodology, where the researcher observes the coffee tourism experience, considering both the tourism providers and tourists. This represents an emerging method in tourism research with data collected through a reflective diary and photographic documentation.
Coffee tourism has already established itself in the Eje Cafetero region, and with increasing tourism in Colombia, there is potential for further interest in coffee tourism in the region. With an established infrastructure and positive reputation for coffee, Colombia is well placed to provide various coffee tourism offerings, including unique experiences based on local traditions.
Coffee tourism is an under-researched area, with few studies based on primary data to understand the potential for coffee tourism experiences. This study advances knowledge on this while also promoting innovative auto-ethnographic research methods. Findings help places understand how to leverage competitive advantage through unique offerings.