Estrogen receptors (ERs) are members of 7-transmembrane receptors such as steroid hormone receptor subfamily, G protein coupled receptor family, and nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. The amino acid sequences are different in types and depend on species (Kumar and Thompson, 1999;Kumar et al., 2011). There are two subtypes of estrogen receptor; ERα and ERβ (Kuiper et al., 1997;Barkhem et al., 1998). The genes encoding ERs located on different chromosomes, which are species specific. For example, ERα locates on chromosome 6th and ERβ on chromosome 14th in humans. In mice, ERα are on the 10th and ERβ on the 12th whereas ERα locates on the 1st and ERβ on the 6th in rats. ERα are on the 1st and ERβ on the 2nd in dog comparison to ERα on B2 and ERβ on B3 in cat.ERs consist of 5 domains; 1) N-terminal domain (NTD), 2) DNA binding domain (DBD), 3) Hinge region, 4) Ligand binding domain (LBD), and 5) Agonistantagonist distinct (C-terminal domain) (Lewis et al., 2002;Kumar et al., 2011). ERs-ligands interaction are attributed to changing LBD conformation. The binding affinity is calculated by measurement of the strength of the interaction between LBD and such ligands via