Sandau, I and Granacher, U. Long-term monitoring of training load, force-velocity profile, and performance in elite weightlifters: a case series with two male Olympic athletes. J Strength Cond Res 36(12): 3446-3455, 2022-The aim of this case series approach was to analyze weekly changes in force-velocity relationship (FvR) parameters (v ̅ 0 , F ̅ 0 , P ̅ max ) and theoretical snatch performance (snatch th ) assessed through a specific snatch pull test in preparation of the European and World Championships in 2 male elite weightlifters. A second aim was to examine associations of training load (volume, volume load, average load), barbell FvRparameters, and snatch th over a period of 2 macrocycles in preparation of the same competitions. FvR-parameters, snatch th , training load data, and body mass were assessed weekly over 40 weeks. Using the smallest real difference approach, significant (p # 0.05) decreases in v ̅ 0 and increases in F ̅ 0 , P ̅ max , and snatch th were found within macrocycles. However, the large significant loss in body mass (11%) in athlete 1 during macrocycle 2 represents most likely a main factor for diminished P ̅ max , and snatch th in macrocycle 2. Based on cross-correlation analyses, barbell FvR-parameters and snatch th were significantly (p # 0.05) associated with maximal strength, muscle power, and speed training load variables. Moderate correlations (0.31-0.47) were found between training load and P ̅ max and snatch th in athlete 2. It can be concluded that the applied training loads elicits improvements in P ̅ max and snatch th because the athlete approached the main competitions. However, because of the large loss in body mass, the relations between training load and barbell FvR-parameters and snatch th were less clear in athlete 1. It seems that a loss in body mass as a result of a change in bodyweight category mitigates P ̅ max development during the macrocycle and hindered to reach peak snatch th at the main competitions.