“…Therefore, this theory is widely applied in various research contexts. In the TPB, three variables affect intention, namely perceived behavioral control (an individual’s evaluation of behavior that they intend to perform on the basis of their own ability or difficulties), attitude (an individual’s personal positive or negative beliefs about a specific behavior or action), and subjective norms (how an individual’s feelings about an act is influenced by the people around them or influential people such as their parents, friends, or colleagues), all of which can directly predict an individual’s intention to act ( Lee, 2010 ; Liñán et al, 2016 ; Robertsen et al, 2018 ; Al-Jubari et al, 2019 ; Canova et al, 2020 ; Su et al, 2021 ). Numerous studies have also used the TPB to explain the intentions of students in relation to safe sexual behaviors, such as a study that examined the implementation of sex education by nursing students ( Sharon et al, 2020 ).…”