“…However, Pettersen et al (2016) found no support for the four-factor structure of the 29-item or the 12-item BPAQ in a sample of incarcerated individuals who had committed sexual offenses. BPAQ and its short form are commonly used in forensic settings (Diamond et al, 2005) and have demonstrated value in predicting general violent behavior in adults (e.g., Camlibel et al, 2021;Diamond et al, 2005;Diamond & Magaletta, 2006) and adolescents (e.g., Pechorro et al, 2016). However, several international studies showed that the original 29-item structure of the BPAQ did not yield an acceptable fit among forensic populations (e.g., Hornsveld et al, 2009;Pettersen et al, 2016Pettersen et al, , 2018Williams et al, 1996) and only the 12-item version achieved an acceptable fit (e.g., Diamond & Magaletta, 2006).…”