“…As a result of the low relational mobility environment, where there are few options for alternative relationships, individuals need to improve their circumstances in relation to given others. Strategies employed to achieve this include making efforts to mitigate the consequences of bad relationships and avoiding risks that could jeopardize hard to replace relationships (Yamagishi, Hashimoto, & Schug, 2008) This theory accords with traditional findings in cross-cultural psychology that East Asians are primarily focused on maintaining harmony and reciprocal relationships in their intragroup relationships, exemplified by such tendencies as their preference for equality over equity in reward allocation within the ingroup (e.g., Leung & Bond, 1982;Mann, Radford, & Kanagawa, 1985) and prioritization of animosity reduction in conflict resolution (e.g., Kirkbride, Tang, & Westwood, 1991;Leung, 1987;Leung, Au, Fernandez-Dols & Iwawaki, 1992, Ohbuchi & Takahashi, 1994.…”