“…A number of seamounts extends from the Madeira archipelago (33 • N latitude) to the Portuguese mainland exclusive economic zone (EEZ, 38 • N) defined as the Madeira-Tore geologic complex (Morato et al, 2008). This complex provides appropriate conditions for the occurrence of distinctive and diverse benthic communities (Lobo et al, 2016) and provides spawning locations to bentho-pelagic species, as is the case of T. picturatus (Pakhorukov, 2008;Menezes et al, 2009). The Portuguese coast, that extends along the south-western region of the Iberian Peninsula, includes particular oceanographic and environmental attributes, like the Iberian Poleward Current, the Western Iberia Buoyant Plume, with different processes linked to bathymetry, wind regimes and upwelling filaments (Bettencourt et al, 2004;Santos et al, 2007).…”