“…In addition, the overall findings here also conform to the proposition of the theory of ICTD that the use of ICT devices, such as mobile phones, for agricultural activities, has the potential to facilitate rural development, poverty reduction and sustainable agricultural development (Duncombe and Heeks, 2008). The findings here also align with the findings from the studies by Boadi, Boateng, Hinson and Opoku (2007), Ofosu-Asare (2011) and Salia, Nsowah-Nuamah and Steel (2011), that farmers benefitted from mobile phone use by getting better market information through which they were able to make informed decisions, enjoy reduction in transportation cost, have enhanced marketing activities and get increased income. Figure 3 shows that among the challenges farmers face using the mobile phones for agribusiness, epileptic power supply ranks highest with 29% followed by poor network signal (23%) and unfamiliarity with the phones' features (16%).…”