“…The latter is statistically superior in reducing blood loss, reducing number of transfusions and increasing the number of lesions amenable to endoscopic resection when compared with particulate embolization. 26,27 Additional advantages of Onyx include pigmentation of the tumor, more extensive tumor necrosis, embolization by fewer catheterizations, superior devascularization on angiograms, and no recurrence at follow-up. 27 If the tumor feeding vessels cannot be safely embolized or are inaccessible, then further options include intratumoral embolization and surgical strategies, such as isolation and ligation of the internal maxillary artery, radiofrequency ablation, hypotensive anesthesia, division into vascular segments, diathermy of the sphenopalatine artery, cauterization of the vidian artery (the predominant feeding vessel of the ICA), and staging of surgery.…”