Objective To characterize hypertensive patients after admission to hospital considering the current status, compliance to treatment, habits and lifestyle, and knowledge and beliefs about the disease.Methods This was an exploratory study with 265 hypertensive patients admitted to a medical inpatients unit of a university hospital. Data were collected in an interview over the telephone. The level of significance was set as p<0.05.Results It was found that 32% of hypertensive patients had died. One hundred patients were interviewed, mean age of 64.15 (13.2) years, 51% were women, 56% non-white, 51% with primary education, 52% were retired, 13% were smokers, 38% used alcohol, 80% did not perform physical exercise, and the mean body mass index was 35.9 (15.5) kg/m2. The comorbidities were heart problem (52%), diabetes (49%) and stroke (25%). As to antihypertensive treatment, 75% were on use, 17.3% stopped taking them and 21.3% missed visits. The treatment sites were the primary care unit (49%) and hospital (36%). As for knowledge and beliefs, 25% believed hypertension is curable, 77% that treatment should last for the rest of their lives, and hypertension brings complications (84%). A total of 46.7% were controlled. The lack of control was associated (p<0.05) with non-white ethnicity and absence of heart problems.Conclusion There were significant deaths occurred after hospitalization and poor control of blood pressure, probably due to inadequate habits and lifestyles and non-compliance to antihypertensive treatment.