ABSTRACT. In 2000, the National Kidney Foundation implemented the Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP 2.0) to increase awareness of kidney disease among those at highest risk, and improve outcomes through early detection and referral for care. The KEEP 2.0 screening program identified significant numbers of persons with reduced kidney function, with previously undetected kidney disease risk factors, and with inadequate risk factor control. These data support the evolution to KEEP 3.0, which will continue to identify individuals at high risk for kidney disease, and will address the educational needs of health care providers and consumers, given that preventing and managing kidney disease requires their joint effort. Consumers need to embrace lifestyle behaviors that reduce risk, and adhere to medical recommendations in managing their existing conditions. At the same time, providers need to ensure that the latest evidence-based guidelines in diagnosis and treatment are being implemented in their clinical practice. KEEP 3.0 participants will be randomly assigned to one of several educational programs that vary on whether they provide individually tailored or nontailored information, with long-term follow-up for evaluation of clinical outcomes. Tailored programs may be more successful in supporting behavioral change as these consider the individuals’ “readiness to change.” In addition, participant-identified providers will be randomly assigned to one of several educational protocols designed to provide evidence-based recommendations for clinical and pharmaceutical management of kidney disease and risk factors; these programs vary on whether they require active or passive participation of providers. Analytic evaluations will examine changes from baseline in participant kidney disease and risk factor status during follow-up, and estimate the influence of the various educational protocols on both process of care measures and clinical outcomes. E-mail: jflack@intmed.wayne.edu