DOI: 10.4034/1519.0501.2009.0092.0012
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Prevalência de Mordida Aberta Anterior em Crianças de 3 a 5 Anos em Cabedelo/PB e Relação com Hábitos Bucais Deletérios

Abstract: To evaluate the prevalence of anterior open bite and to investi gate its associati on to non-nutriti ve sucking habits, breast-feeding, mouth breathing and family income, among children aged 3 to 5 years att ending public day care centers in a city of the Brazilian Northeast. Method: One-hundred and seventeen children with complete primary denti ti on were examined and their mothers underwent a structured interview in order to gather informati on on pediatric oral habits. Any negati ve value was considered as … Show more

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Cited by 13 publications
(28 citation statements)
References 14 publications
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“…In addition, it is of a multifactorial nature, with hereditary, congenital, functional, environmental, nutritional, socioeconomic and educational influences 3 . Deleterious habits, among them finger and pacifier sucking, are described in the literature as the main etiologic factors of malocclusion in the primary and mixed stages of dentition [4][5][6] . Epidemiological studies on oral health and prevalence of malocclusion in a certain region provide important data to enable planning of the measures necessary for a reduction in the incidence of unfavorable factors, in addition to interception of the skeletal problems at a suitable age 7 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, it is of a multifactorial nature, with hereditary, congenital, functional, environmental, nutritional, socioeconomic and educational influences 3 . Deleterious habits, among them finger and pacifier sucking, are described in the literature as the main etiologic factors of malocclusion in the primary and mixed stages of dentition [4][5][6] . Epidemiological studies on oral health and prevalence of malocclusion in a certain region provide important data to enable planning of the measures necessary for a reduction in the incidence of unfavorable factors, in addition to interception of the skeletal problems at a suitable age 7 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Várias pesquisas realizadas no Brasil evidenciam a grande prevalência dessas maloclusões entre a população e esses levantamentos epidemiológicos são de larga importância para quantificar e identificar essas anormalidades, permitindo o planejamento e a execução de medidas preventivas e interceptativas [17][18][19][20][21][22] .…”
Section: Resultados E Discussão O Epidemiologiaunclassified
“…Dentre muitos fatores associados envolvidos na MCP estão hereditariedade, padrão respiratório bucal, hábitos de sucção não nutritiva e hipertrofia das adenoides e tonsilas 28,29 , além do bruxismo, interposição lingual e mania de morder objetos e bochecha 4 . Esses hábitos deletérios de natureza complexa apresentam padrões de contração muscular aprendidos, a princípio, consciente e, posteriormente, inconsciente, podendo atuar como fatores deformadores do crescimento e do desenvolvimento ósseo, das posições dentárias, do processo respiratório e da fala, modificando completamente a harmonia fisiológica natural do sistema estomatognático 30,31 .…”
Section: Resultados E Discussão O Epidemiologiaunclassified
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“…It can be noticed that children who were not breastfed or who were not satisfactorily breastfed in the first six months of life tend to acquire deleterious oral habits with greater ease and for a longer period 6 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%