“…CF_STRA-Capability to align the business strategy with the regional policy for eco-innovation (strategy) [135] CF_AGE-Age of the firm [105,121] CF_REG-Firms' capabilities to overcome legislation barriers [136] CF_MANAG-Managerial capabilities and leadership for eco-innovation [74,128,137,138] CF_COL-Capability to collaborate for environmental R&D and public/private communication for eco-innovation [47,64,128,135,139,140] Environmental Capabilities [97,[141][142][143] CE_SCOPE-Technological capabilities to achieve the scope of the eco-innovation projects [141,143] CE_ENVS-Advanced environmental management systems' implementation [41,50,109,141,144] CE_QUAL-Environmental quality standards [2,31,51,64,135,144,145] CE_CSR-RSC, reporting and environmental accounting [25,31,32,41] Table 5. Variables for measuring the projects' outcomes and some of the authors who have analysed these variables.…”