“…However, effects of word-level statistics are (nearly) unavoidable: Word frequencies are for a large part responsible for word recognition times (Gardner, Rothkopf, Lapan, & Lafferty, 1987; among many others) and word reading times closely follow word probability conditional on the sentence context (Smith & Levy, 2013). Similar word-probability effects have been observed in neural activity during sentence or text comprehension (Brennan, Stabler, Van Wagenen, Luh, & Hale, 2016;Frank, Otten, Galli, & Vigliocco, 2015;Nelson et al, 2017;Willems, Frank, Nijhof, Hagoort, & Van den Bosch, 2016 for review, see Armeni, Willems, & Frank, 2017). Such probabilistic (i.e.…”