Aim. To study trends and changes in the list of functional responsibilities of pharmaceutical workers (PW) and their acquisition of soft and hard skills adapted to modern conditions taking into account the professional opinion of PW.
Materials and methods. For our study, information on the state regulation of healthcare institutions (HCIs) in the conditions of military aggression and the current state of crisis, a review of scientific literature, and the results of personal research were used. Such scientific methods as analysis, comparison, comparison, questionnaires and direct observations were applied. The results were processed and verified using licensed Microsoft Office Excel software products.
Results. The study involved 212 respondents in such positions as the head of a pharmacy, pharmacist, assistant pharmacist, clinical pharmacist (CP). The research has shown that employers need to update job descriptions and balance them with job cards to better understand the employees’ responsibilities and achievements and analyze the employer’s key performance indicators (KPIs) that show how a particular employee or an entire department is moving toward the achievement of the goal set during the daily work.
Conclusions. A sociological study has been conducted among the employees of HCIs, such as pharmacies, pharmacy branches, hospitals, and treatment and prevention institutions. For each position, the most significant functional responsibilities and desired KRI have been determined. It has been found that for the further effective development of pharmaceutical support for the population it is necessary to update the job descriptions and balance them with job cards to better understand employees’ responsibilities and achievements and analyze the employer’s KPIs.