The expediency of processing whey is confirmed by the value of its composition, amount of raw materials, and the possibility of obtaining a wide range of food products and ingredients based on it. The most appropriate technological method for reducing the antigenicity of whey proteins in the food industry is enzymatic hydrolysis. The work aims to study the chemical composition and properties of hydrolysis products of cheese whey UF concentrate with enzyme preparations Promod 439L and Flavorpro 766MDP to determine processing areas of the obtained hydrolysate. At the same time, 65% and 40% of peptide bonds in the antigenic epitopes of β-lactoglobulin and α-lactoalbumin, respectively, were broken without a significant increase in the osmolarity of the food system (291±2 mOsm/dm 3 in the hydrolysate). Among the products of proteolysis, short-chain peptides predominate. The resulting product indicates reduced allergenicity and high content of essential amino acids. The resulting hydrolysate can be used in the technology of various dairy products to replace skimmed milk in the preparation of a normalized mixture, manufacture of products for preventive nutrition of people allergic to cow's milk proteins, and as the main ingredient in beverages for sports nutrition.